Monday, June 22, 2009

Small Walks About

Occasionally, I sling up my camera bag and go for a stroll about this fair city. I've seen the Old Town and New Town a million-plus times, so now I usually aim for the less prominent parts.
Recently, I went for a walk in Powisle and along the Wisla.
sidewalk graffiti warsaw powisle
125 Burza (I think it's a graffiti ad for a nudie bar or something.)

sidewalk graffiti warszawa powisle
Is that a set of boobs or an 8? Anyway, the yellow dots lead the "125 Burza."

The Wisla is pretty enough, and I rather like the bridges that pass over. Powisle seems to be a forgotten part of the city. It's on the bank of the Wisla, but all major traffic goes over it; over the bridges that soar over most of the buildings there; over to the Pragas. Under one of them there's a small shopping complex of sorts. It's actually very quiet, and I usually don't see a lot of people strolling about.
I prefer to walk around there on overcast/rainy days or in the evening. It fits the mood better. The concrete walk along the river is often littered with trash, and it's often not crowded. It's a nicer walk towards the Old City, and there are determined anglers at several intervals. (One note: for those of you who know Boston, would you eat a fish caught in the Charles? Probably not.) There's not a whole lot of development right up on the banks of the river like there is other cities.

Walking across the platform at Warszawa Powisle, I quickly turned on my digital camera and snapped a quick picture of the departing train. I was aiming to get a picture of the bright yellow doors, but I got the picture below.
train powisle warsaw
It's cooler to stand in the open doorway (easier to escape the conductor too) than it is to sit in the empty seats.

On a rainy walk back home, I passed by an open door leading into a courtyard garden. It looked rather peaceful and pretty, so I entered to see the garden, but a lady in sitting just inside the courtyard shooed me out, telling me it wasn't free for me.
courtyard garden warsaw